Bismuth Ring of five atoms synthesized

Bismuth Ring of five atoms synthesized

Credit: Nature Chemistry (2025). DOI: 10.1038/S41557-024-01713-8

Researchers at the Karlsruhe (Kit) Institute of Technology have synthesized a BI5⁻ Ring, a molecule with five bismuth atoms, and stabilized it in a metal complex. Its discovery fills a vacuum in chemical knowledge and allows future applications in research of materials, catalysis and electronic. His findings have been published in Nature Chemistry.

“By synthesizing the BI5⁻ Ring, we have answered a long basic research question question. In the future, this molecule could play an important role in the development of new chemical materials and processes, “said Professor Stefanie Dehnen of the Institute of Inorganic Kit Chemistry, where he directs the cluster -based material research group.

According to Dehnen, it is of particular interest that BI5⁻ The ring has a structure similar to that of the cyclopentadienile molecule (C5H5) ⁻, Which has a wide range of industrial applications. However, the BIE5⁻ The ring differs with its greater mass and unique electronic properties.

Chemical puzzle resolved after decades

For decades, researchers have sought heavy analogues of the cyclopentadienilo ring, that is, molecules in which the original carbon and hydrogen atoms are replaced by atoms of heavier elements. These molecules have potentially interesting and attractive properties for catalytic chemical reactions or for use in materials for electronic components.

The analogue with bismuth atoms (a heavy but non -toxic metallic element) had not previously occurred, although it was predicted that the ring had aromatic properties, such as a stable electrons distribution, similar to those of (C (C (C (C (C5H5) ⁻. The successful isolation of the ring shows that even the heaviest variants can be integrated into stable compounds and used in chemical reactions.

High precision analytical methods, applied in collaboration with groups headed by Professor Florian Weigend of the Institute of Quantum Materials and Technologies (IQMT) and Professor Wolfgang Wernsdorfer of the Physikalische Institute in Kit, provided detailed ideas about the special electronic and magnetic characteristics of the special magnetic product [{IMesCo}2Bi5⁻]. As expected, the results showed that this molecule is particularly promising for catalysis and electronic applications.

Dehnen and his team achieved synthesis with a combination of experience and modern synthesis techniques. According to Dehnen, a recent receiver of the IUPAC award for distinguished women in chemistry or chemical engineering, a crucial factor was the use of a special solvent.

Bismuth Ring of five atoms synthesized

Professor Stefanie Dehnen (left) with Dr. Benjamin Peerless (center) and Dr. Julia Rienmüller (right) in the laboratory. Credit: Kit

Sustainable technologies could benefit

The work of the research group demonstrates the importance of basic research for scientific advances. The results are not only a milestone in chemistry, but they could also provide a basis for the development of more efficient and ecological technologies.

The team intends to investigate more compounds based on the BI5⁻ Ring to completely exploit your potential for chemical reactions and material science applications. Plans also include the use of automatic learning methods to accelerate research and further improve synthesis pathways.

“We hope that our work encourages other researchers to continue along this route and develop new applications,” said Dehnen. She and her team also seek to work with interested companies and research institutions.

More information:
Julia Rienmüller et al, isolation of a flat aromatic bi5⁻ Ring in an inverse complex based on cobalt, Nature Chemistry (2025). DOI: 10.1038/S41557-024-01713-8

Provided by the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

Citation: Single atoms synthesized bismuth ring (2025, February 13) accessed February 19, 2025 of

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#Bismuth #Ring #atoms #synthesized

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