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I am a Techno-Geek learning drug addict. If you have no gift ideas, or better yet, time, what better than an online training class on something fun and totally useful?
From December 15 to 18, Udemy offers some of your best qualified classes online for only fifteen dollars. These are classes that are normally sold for up to $ 200, but are on sale for vacations. In addition, you can order now and deliver it on any date, and yet … fifteen dollars. And most Udemy classes have access for life, so if they can’t start class for a while, it really doesn’t matter. Some of these have not taken, but they are on my desire list. So, if you want to buy me a gift …
If one of these below does not interest him, click and search his library of 17,000 classes on all kinds of subject.
Arduino step by step: his full guide
I took this class with my uncle and it was really perfect, starting in total beginners, through a moderate level of experience with Arduino. Why is Arduino important for a permaculture geek? It is a super cheap and infinitely customizable platform for home automation, security, management of its aquaponia configuration, temperature and monitoring humidity, etc., etc., etc.
The Arduino is an open source electronic platform based on hardware and easy to use software. Feeling the environment upon receiving tickets from many sensors, Arduino affects your environment controlling lights, engines and a series of other accessories. It is intended for anyone who does interactive hardware projects.
This course is designed to present the hardware and programming environment of Arduino to begin to build projects as soon as possible.
Click here to get the complete description of the course and class segments
Raising chickens in your backyard: chicken eggs for food
Are chickens in the backyard for you? Are you ready to step and become chicken owners? After seeing several kinds of training and going out with some friends with chickens, we decided to wait a year (or forever).
It seems that wherever you go, people are raising chickens. Mainly for their eggs, but some farmers in the rear patio are even raising their own chickens for meat. As the world goes through a variety of changes, and food is becoming a problem, we may return to the old customs and all will have chickens.
Each chicken provides 12 to 20 dozen Eggs per year, for at least 3 years.
Then, in this course, we will take a look behind the scene of the real chickens and have a real life with chickens. You will meet my flock and we will broadcast all your dirty clothes.
Click here to get the complete description of the course and class segments
Building something for the Internet of IoT things
Because once you have created your Arduino device (Aquaponics Manager, Smart Home System, Short Wave Radio Morse Code Interface, etc.), then you will want to connect it to the Internet. Or imagine building a simple humidity sensor system strategically placed throughout its patio that indicates which part is dried first after a strong rain, or how well your drip irrigation system works. Now connect it to the Internet and store months or years of data as your soil improves all your permaculture projects …
What do Apple Watch, Nest Termostat, Amazon Echo and the Pedbble smart clock have in common? All are “things” on the Internet of things, a worldwide network of devices that communicate with each other, the cloud and our phones.
This course will guide it through the design, development and creation of prototypes of a representative “thing” and will show you how to prepare to launch a crowd financing campaign to finance production.
Click here to get the complete description of the course and class segments
Healthy soils: compost, mulch and soil food network
This course is about the health and vitality of our gardens and ourselves. The old adage “is what you eat” is never more evident than it is today. Everything we grow and consume begins with the ground in which our plants are grown. It doesn’t matter if you are a vegan, vegetarian or eat meat, everything starts with the ground. This class will show you how to build your garden and landscape soils without the use of synthetic fertilizers. You will learn the reasons and benefits of compost and roof crops, and on the feeding of the soil to grow vegetables, fruits and landscapes stronger and healthier. Separate in 10 conferences, we will take the step by step facilitating from you to follow and transform your garden of a chemical dependence to one where nature manages much of the work by you.
The course is structured as a series of PowerPoint and video conferences and ends with a brief questionnaire to strengthen your knowledge and trust.
You must take this course if you are interested in attracting pollinators to your vegetables and trees. You must take this course if you want to have a better understanding of how to become an organic gardener or landscape. You must take this course if you want to become a better administrator of your land, water and air.
Click here to see the complete descriptions of the courses, class segments and sample
Bioorganic agriculture: simply cultivates incredible and vital food
This is an intensive in the full site, which shows how you can take control of your own environment and food supply, simply cultivating foods of the highest quality: the best taste, the highest nutritional content, the shortest time, the shortest time, The minimum blight and infestations … using sensitive and old wisdoms and the materials around it.
This is Sensitive, easy and natural agriculture. And why cultivate food should be different?
This course is for fun action people, who are connected to personal power: execute their own show, their own simple life, with good sense and center. This is the organic agriculture of Ladakhi that uses biodynamics (BD), or the cosmic dance that infuses, flows throughout life on our mother planet. What does that mean?
Know how BD and calendar rhythms guide us towards the days of greater probability and better results to do everything related to our beautiful farms or tomatoes in the window of the window, during each season.
Everything you need to simply cultivate your food: Videos detailed on the site, Storydocs & Infotools, which comes to you live from high deserts (Himalayan Ladakh), tropical (Thailand) and temperate climates (Korea): planning and creation, Plantation, plantation, nitrifying, irrigation and culture and, of course, the glorious harvest.
Click here to get the complete description of the course and class segments
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