Five scientific experiments you can do with a smartphone

A smartphone is a great tool for scientific experiments with or without special applications. Take full advantage of your phone with these Five scientific experiments you can do with a smartphone.

Use your smartphone for science

Make a smartphone speaker

Imagine that you are in the park doing a picnic and fantasy playing music. What can you do? Take a cardboard tube and two glasses of paper or plastic, and you have a DIY MINI SHEEP!

Make sure the tube ends are inside the cups and carefully cut a slot for your phone.

Experiment with different sizes and tubes and cups of materials to investigate how the sound changes.

Telephone speaker for a Stem project made with a cardboard tube and two glasses of paper or plastic.

Carry out heart rate investigation

Use the stopwatch on your phone to perform a Simple heart rate research.


Use you Telephone to do a projector. This would be a great class class challenge or a fun end for a scientific party.

Contribute to scientific research worldwide

Discharge Citizen Science application and contribute to scientific projects worldwide. Take advantage of birds, monitor water quality and much more!

Turn your phone into a microscope

With the addition of a Small microscope chamber attachment You can turn your phone into a microscope!

Explore the sky with your phone

Become an astronaut in the backyard with an application that allows you to explore the night sky. He Night sky application It is a good place to start.

Let me know if you have any other idea to science with a phone!

Girl holding the smart phones science experiments you can do with a smartphone

Last update on April 16, 2024 by Emma Vanstone

#scientific #experiments #smartphone

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