The Carehub: the world’s first intelligent product designed to give you the tranquility of you and your older family

How frustrating is it when you can’t connect with your elderly family? Do you know when they need help or are you fully aware that their daily routines are and follow?

The world is getting a smaller place, technology is interconnecting more and families now live further from one to the other than ever. Older people can sometimes feel out of this new world, not really understanding a new communication technology, but still want their own independence.

A new product has been developed to try to close this gap and offer your elderly family. Carehub, Put is a new device that offers a series of characteristics that help families take care of each other and keep in touch.

The Carehub consists of 2 elements, the device and the application:

From Horos

‘The whole idea of ​​Carehub began with 2 brothers who worked abroad and were looking at a way to keep in contact with their 75 -year -old mother, like many older people Facetime and Skype were difficult to use for them. So they were looking for a simple device to communicate with their mother to their smartphones, they could not find one. This need worsened when his mother fell into the shower, dislocated his shoulder and took them a few hours to discover it.

Don Munro says he continues:


‘We started in this project earlier this year and we have been working with a hardware developer in China and now we trust that we have the hardware solution. We are looking for help to finance the development of the application and we also want to have the idea of ​​Carehub ”.

The Carehub device is full of a camera and multiple sensors, these sensors, combined with a simple user interface application for smartphones and tablets, offer the following features:

Two -way communication: How many times have you tried to teach your parents to use Skype or Facetime for a two -way call … and failed? With Carehub it could not be easier, Mom press the button at the top of the unit and directly call the application.

Motion alert/ no motion: Do you want an alert in the morning when Mom gets up and breakfast? Or most importantly, do you want an alert if you do not raise and activate the movement sensors before 10 am?

Critical temperature alert: In many countries, older people run a serious risk of illness or worse because their homes reach a critical temperature, since they generally tolerate the conditions to save money in their energy invoices.

The Carehub can be configured to alert it if the home of its parents has reached a critical temperature so that it can act quickly.

Reminder alerts: The Carehub has this little great feature to make sure that its people never forget those important things …

You can record an audio message from your smartphone and establish the schedules and days when this message must be activated on the Carehub device. There will be an audible beep of the care house and the LED will flash purple. Mum press the button at the top of the device to listen to the reminder message.

Activated night light moute: To minimize the risk of night accidents, the care of cariñones has a night light that is activated from the movement detector.

Local TF card storage: Many people have concerns about remote storage of images at home. Many other cameras in the market use cloud storage video images and charge additional for signing for this. We keep it simple, the Carehub has local storage on a TF card that can be recovered locally. And without cloud storage, no monthly subscription is coming!

This campaign is important for us, since we believe that this device could give peace of mind to many people who are in similar situations for us. ”

Gavin Munro, Don’s brother and marketing manager of Efergy Technologies, trusts this product.

“There is a phrase that the need is the mother of the invention, we had the need and there was nothing around, I know we are not the only ones who need this product. Appeals people with elderly relatives, caregivers, assisted care institutions, hospitals and many more community sectors. I feel that we have developed some importance here and I am excited about The Carehub ‘.

The Carehub is currently a trend on the crowdfunding website and are looking for their support. For more information about this product or communicate with Gavin or Don (, Visit and search ‘Carehub’ or go to this link (

#Carehub #worlds #intelligent #product #designed #give #tranquility #older #family

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