Triples the life of your fresh herbs

Rhulle The life of their fresh herbs Our containers without BPA are designed to prolong the useful life of their fresh herbs, while they are easy to use and fit into any refrigerator door. The advantage of our design is the transparent window, the hard shell protects the leaves to be crushed by other elements in the refrigerator and allow it to see what is inside, while they let them breathe at optimal levels of hydration. That is better than wrapping them in a damp cloth!

It is so simple: rinse and dry its basil, coriander, mint, parsley, chives, rosemary, oregano, thyme, dill or even its asparagus. Place in the sheath and add some fresh water through the stuffed lid tied. Remember to empty old water and fill every 3 to 5 days and herbs will be happy for up to 3 weeks!

Triples the life of your fresh herbs

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#Triples #life #fresh #herbs

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