This mummified wolf puppy, which is located in Yukon, Canada, is 57,000 years old
Yukon government
Ivory hunters knew they had found something special. It was 2020 and there were tunnels to the banks of the Badyarikha River in Siberia. The permanently frozen floor of the river basin is a rich hunting terrain for gigantic fangs, which reaches a beautiful price in the Chinese ivory market. Occasionally, however, more rare treasures appear: more complete mammoth remains and other long dead animals.
This, however, was on a different planet. Within an ice block, search engines saw a hairy corpse unlike everything they had seen before. They alerted the scientists, and finally the ice block arrived Alexey Lopatin In the Borissiak Paleontological Institute in Moscow for analysis. Last year, he and his team concluded that the remains were those of a Youth cat with clamping teethAn animal only related to living cats, and one that hunted like no predator today.
“For the first time in the history of paleontology, the appearance of an extinct mammal that has no analogues in modern fauna,” says Lopatin. “It’s a fantastic sensation.”
And it is one that could be more familiar to paleontologists in the coming years. Although frozen mummies have emerged from the Permafrost of Russia and North America for two centuries, we entered a golden age of discovery about 15 years ago. At that time, some of the best known gigantic mummies have come to light, as well as the first mummies of predators, including …
#Permafrost #mummies #unlocking #secrets #prehistory