In December 1945 – January 1946, Picasso created “Le Taureau” or “The Bull”, a series of 11 stone impressions that thoroughly explored the purest essence of a bull.
With each successive impression, a bull is simplified and abstracted. It is considered an iconic representation of absolute simplicity.
In 2008, Steve Jobs set out to teach Employees in Apple this philosophy.
“It must deeply understand the essence of a product to get rid of the parts that are not essential.” – Steve Jobs
This is a reminder that getting to the essence of what you do or what you think is not easy, but it is what will separate you from everyone else.
This is an example of a Mental displacement. It is the time you open your mind to explore new possibilities and discover extraordinary experiences and results.
Work connection with “Le Taureau” by Picasso Inspired a new design mentality: “Eliminate the unnecessary to get to the essence.” This mentality became the cornerstone of Apple’s design and development design.
This philosophy of eliminating the essentials to reveal the central essence of a product can be seen in many iconic Apple products.
Here are only some examples:
IMAC G3 (1998)
The IMAC G3 incorporated simplicity with its simple, bold and translucent housing. He eliminated inherited components as a floppy units, focusing on essential characteristics for modern computer experience.
iPod (2001)
The IPOD design, with its simple click wheel interface and minimalist aesthetics, eliminated the complexity of MP3 players. It became a symbol of Jobs’s philosophy to “deeply understand the essence of a product.”
iPhone (2007)
The original iPhone eliminated the common keyboards and physical buttons on the smartphones of the time. His focus on a single intuitive touch screen interface represents the essence of the idea of the simplicity and anticipation of Jobs of what users would like to know.
iPad (2010)
The iPad exemplified simplicity by offering a simplified interface to navigate, read and media consumption. Its minimalist design was free of superfluous characteristics.
Apple Watch (2015)
The Apple Watch reduced the complexity of portable technology, focusing on an elegant design and essential functionality while integrated without problems in daily life.
Mac and iOS user interfaces
Apple software interfaces reflect a commitment to clarity and usability, eliminating unnecessary complexity to create perfect experiences.
The work of art
Jobs once said: “Our job is to discover what they will want before they do.”
Mastering the art of simplicity is to master the essence of innovation, see something that others are lost and deliver it in a way that transforms perspectives and standards. Simplicity is not easy, but this mental displacement is what separates the ordinary from the extraordinary.
If I can leave you with a last advice, edit. Edit until you reach the essence, the art of your work, to be significant and special for another person. This is the advice that the works shared with the then president and CEO of Nike Mark Parker.
Consider reading, Mental displacement: Transform leadership, boost innovation and remodel the future
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