All dental service providers try to minimize the patient’s waiting time: it is a persistent problem, no one likes to wait. For Dntl Bar, it is a problem of ascent, since our value proposition is quality and convenience. When we see one of our low performance clinics or exceed others in the customer’s waiting time, we use dome to find out why. In this way, we can solve the problem or socialize a new better practice in our network. This is how we do it. Our dental practice management software records each stage of the appointment trips of our patients from work stations located in the check-in, consultations, images, procedure rooms, surgery, etc. Together with patient and clinic information, the stations capture time in, waiting time and the assistant staff member. That is all the information we need to make a really valuable analysis: This type of information is not even available from the best practices management system, but it is absolutely invaluable in the operation of our business. We can generate heat maps for fast impressions, use factors analysis for deep immersion and monitor the success of our efforts to improve performance.
Case of use
#dentist #Dome #builds #customer #satisfaction #DNTL #Bar