What comes to our minds when I mention Spier’s name?

Guy Spier is a value investor, fund manager, investment banker, Harvard graduate, talented skier, father, husband and Mr. Spier is a community leader of X value.
Here are seven lessons that I have learned from Guy Spier that I would like to convey. It doesn’t matter if he is a professional or executive investment fund manager of the company. You will find calm and wisdom of Guy’s wisdom.
Invest without emotions
Guy teaches his followers like me that we must always invest without emotions. First we must break down what this means. 1. Desglosando What are our personal behavior biases really? 2. Take into account the common behavior biases to which we can resort without thinking. 3. Defining its objectives and the time horizon can help you avoid emotional prejudices. 4. Bucketing or achieving milestones helps to see its progression clearly. Discipline can help you maintain an action plan.
You may feel that see CNBC or Bloomberg as a retail investor is good to collect the most recent information about the market. You will feel that this gives you an investment advantage in the market. However, you are wrong! It is simply a means of communication to deliver news and entertainment in the business world. That’s all. It is intelligent not to allow this television content to cloud your judgment and emotions while investing. We, as a value, investors have a verification list and a set of sophisticated skills that include processes of diligence and due assessment before investing in an opportunity. We use these skills and our personal research before deciding whether it would be a good investment opportunity. Having the discipline to say no to things or investments has tremendous value. Survival is everything. Protecting capital is your duty. All these are ways to help him as an individual to keep the thing focused and invest without emotions.
Resist rebalancing
The operators are giving many retail investors on YouTube and is also a standard practice for many financial advisors to rebalance their stock portfolio when it seems that the market is overvalued. This looks like this. Its standard retailer inverter has twenty stalls. And if it places five percent of its capital in twenty positions, this is equivalent to one hundred percent of its capital. However, if the story is a teacher? What if you only allow your wallet to grow organically? You may have some positions that see substantial growth and see a mixed performance bag of mediocrity. And then you will see that some positions work badly that it is not worth it or possibly loses money. However, with Guy’s approach to allow his wallet to grow organically without rebalance? You will see that your small high performance set represents most of your growth in your wallet. While at the same time it limits the losses of the poor artists. In other words? Investing is very indulgent if you adhere to using long -term time horizons as a strategy for your portfolio.
Learn from your mistakes at the beginning of your career
This is really an important lesson that Mr. Spier has publicly shared that I feel he has a lot of merit for other investors and entrepreneurs like me. Front lower line? You will make mistakes. You will make many mistakes. You will be ashamed of yourself. Making mistakes and learning from them is only apart from human experience. What if you are an entrepreneur? It is likely to find it progress. Now let’s learn about a big mistake that most investors face when they begin to invest as retail investors. You just don’t know what you don’t know. There are three different types of entrepreneurs. Boutique entrepreneurs of small businesses, business operators entrepreneurs and decentralized investment entrepreneurs. Everything has its own unique world. However, everyone finds one mistake after another. It is really important to share their mistakes so that others can learn from their mistakes in business. Let’s be honest! Sometimes they make great stories when you succeed in the end. HA HA HA
Defining its competition circle
Defining its circle of competition means “What is trained to do and what is professionally aware of?” This important question can give you address and confidence in evaluating investment opportunities. And if we are honest if you can fix the engine of your car when you fail. He would not expect to see Guy Spier turning Wrench on his entrance path in Switzerland when his car suddenly has a failure. No, I would send an automotive technician or simply buy a new car. Why spend time in something of this caliber when you have options? Expert networks operate in the same way. There are business professionals who have no history in all things related to technology, manufacturing and many more issues of interest.

INSIGHTS GLG It is a company that any business investor or professional can access and talk to experts in their respective fields about a subject and answer difficult questions that may have about their respective professions and experience. If you have no experience in Softdrink’s manufacturing, you are likely to look for Softdrink manufacturing experts. This is what we mean by saying: “Define your competition circle.” You know what you know. And leave the experts of their fields difficult.
Risk and inconvenience
Investing is an activity that implies risk. The risk is what acts as a barrier or is the disadvantage of investments. Some investments are relatively safe such as investing in US treasures. Then, they are investments such as investing in high -risk opportunities that may not return their capital and that may not give it a performance as new companies and junk bonds. Everything is reduced to what its risk threshold is. The lesson we can take from Guy’s lesson is at risk is communicated by his friend Warren Buffett. Warren spends a lot of time thinking about the disadvantage of an investment. If you feel comfortable investing your money in a company with a proven history? So it is very likely that the disadvantage of risk is lower than investing in an unseeding company that has not been in business for a long time. His appetite for risk is a level of personal comfort. And I must mention that your comfort with risk is directly correlated with what your competition circle is!
Interestingly, Mr. Guy Spier’s father was a shoeter in the Israeli army. And the reverence and love that talks about his father and how his father can calm the environment with his presence and ability to listen while brings calm to the situation. It sounds like the man you want by your side in a fox hole while you are bombarded with bombs and all the war. This touches the issue of risk and inconvenience because you want to be able to keep calm during stressful situations. I would love to learn more about Mr. Spier’s father. It sounds like a real butt. I can respect that.
Did you catch my last article on Bill Ackman’s investment principles here?
Brave integrity
While observing or rather listening to Guy Spier and his fellow writer, Mr. William Green, it was very refreshing to hear these two community leaders talk about having the courage to share their thoughts and feelings in real time. While filming an episode of the podcast surviving and thriving recently. They were sharing a point at the time they were collaborating and writing Guy’s first book “The education of a value investor.” I found it completely brave that Mr. William Green had the strength of perfecting and asking difficult questions and looking for difficult answers to personal situations that occurred to Mr. Spier during the very stressful weekend of the great financial crisis of 2008. The video is below. In addition, during the weekend of the Aquamarine fund of the great financial crisis of the Guy, he was hung in the balance and remained hostage during the bankruptcy of Bear Stearns. However, Jamie Dimon and JP Morgan reached their rescue of funds when making an offer and buying Bear Stearns. It is really a fascinating look at how two very good 30 -year -old friends can open and allow mutual trust. A lesson is definitely worth it.
Keep a professional newspaper | Annual reports
William Green and Mr. Guy Spier touch the very important topic of maintaining and committing to write a professional personal magazine or even attending their funds annual reports. Some in our investment space diligently maintain annual reports that detail their thoughts, decisions and the reasoning behind the market exhibitions within their portfolio. How many times have we forgotten individuals why we did this or that or forgot our division of thoughts and reasoning of the moment while we explain our actions to others who were not present? Monitoring professional actions is vital for our success as professionals. Therefore, it is understandable that it is to maintain a diary. However, it is also important to maintain a personal magazine to allow the reader or you to return to your decision -making process. We are all human. We are all imperfect. Therefore, maintaining a personal and professional magazine can make a lot of meaning for professionals such as me and a guy who does openly and certainly have ADHD.
Mr. William Green’s The defense of writing throughout his career comes from his professional life as an author and writer. You are always adding value in the investment space. Mr. Green is a professional writer within the community of value investors. And his speech and orientation and suggestions of magazines are always pure gold. I really appreciate Mr. Green sharing thoughts publicly, since he has helped me in my writing.
Annual reports
Why keep a magazine for an annual report? As professional investments advisors and administrators or associations of investment funds, it is not only intelligent to maintain an annual report, but also requires securities regulators. When investors read their annual reports, it is advisable to let them in to see how their decisions and actions led him to choose to build a professional portfolio.
After all yields or investment failures, they must be counted. An annual report is an document that public corporations must annually provide shareholders describing their financial operations and conditions. At the end of the year, when annual reports are written and published, this keeps all involved in the responsible profession and demonstrates public transparency. I hope you have found something in this useful and insightful publication of Mr. Spier’s content.
Good luck
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