The 2019 study suggests a professional trajectory of generation Z.

Generation Z is an important demographic cohort that defines the next new wave of young professionals.

In general, generation Z is classified as individuals born between 1996 and 2004 (after millennials) and includes those who enter high school or have recently completed their undergraduate studies.

The key characteristics of generation Z include conscious of itself, self -conscious and independent.

With such characteristics, Gen Z is beginning to stand out from previous generations, and for a good reason.

In addition to their large size, these young adults have high expectations for both them and their racing.

TO study made by him National Society of School Academics (NSHSS) revealed convincing data and ideas regarding the professional interests and motivations of the high decorators of this generation.

This group presents a great emerging workforce with great expectations in a world full of new challenges.

For employers, marketing specialists, recruiters and other professionals, the study sheds an invaluable light on this flourishing demographic group.

Interest and aspirations of professional career

The Z generation is the most informed generation of humanity. These young people are entering the labor sector equipped with both sets of soft and hard skills.

However, research shows that they also have a significant interest in activism and social justice.

It is clear that this generation is interested in socio -political issues.

Well, you can see in numerous online campaigns like #Climatechange, #Blacklivesmatter, #Metoo and even recently, the #HongkongProtests 2019.

In general, they expect to progress quickly in their careers. However, these people also understand the need for hard work.

From NSHSS research, more than 70 percent of them are interested in going to the postgraduate school from the University.

In addition, more than 60 percent are interested in international trips, while around 73 percent are interested in internships.

Generation Z also has high expectations of its employers.

It is worth noting that, although this is a highly independent generation, their parents and guardians still play a crucial role in determining their professional trajectories.

33 percent said their parents were very involved in their career options, while 94 percent of them said their parents were not completely involved.

According to the survey, the five best expected races for generation Z are:

  1. Medicine and health -related fields
  2. Sciences
  3. Biology and biotechnology
  4. Business and corporate
  5. Letters

They are less interested in following a race in the following fields:

  • Accounting and tax -related works
  • Finance and Fintech
  • Agriculture
  • Aviation
  • Sure

International experiences

A new study suggests the main professional trajectory of Gen Z High-Chief

According to study findings, generation Z is the new emerging promoters of the travel industry.

They are more interested in immersive and experimental trips. As a result, international experience plays a crucial role in the way they prepare for races.

NSHSS research reports indicate that almost 62 percent of Z -generation academics are interested in gaining international experience.

This is not only for your personal interests but also for your educational trip.

Well, they consider this experience important because it has a direct relationship with the type of employers who are interested in working.

Research data indicates that about 80 percent of them are interested in working abroad.

In addition, 60 and 54 percent of them are willing to look for exchange programs and volunteers abroad.

Stem -related races

The majority of high performance students in the Z generation are interested in Stem races. Well, the driving force behind this high interest includes high salaries and a wide range of jobs.

During the last decade, the number of works related to Stem has increased almost 3 times compared to other fields.

In addition, those in Stem races have the opportunity to win between 12 and 30 percent more than their counterparts.

In some cases, some work spaces are not yet filled due to the lack of qualified personnel.

The popular Stemos fields are medicine and health, engineering and computer science. Of the three, there are a large number of men in engineering and computer science.

On the other hand, women dominate medicine and health.

The main election employers

A new study suggests the main professional trajectory of Gen Z High-Chief

The Z -generation academics are more interested in entertainment, sports and the health sector. There has been an interest in decline in the software, the Internet, as well as SAAS organizations.

Of the respondents interviewed, almost 39 percent of them are interested in working in the health sector.

This information coincides with the data obtained for the main election employers.

As of 2018, the main employers included St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, Google, Amazon, Apple Inc., Walt Disney, Buzzfeed, Nasa, Microsoft and the National Football League, among others.

Keep in mind that there are also newcomers like Chick-Fil-A and Spacex.

Important aspects of employers

This is a generation that expects more of themselves and its employers. Remember that they are also interested in social and political injustices.

The Z generation is reflective and is committed to raising awareness. Many of them are looking for inclusive and intentional workplaces.

According to NSHSS, it is evident that they are interested in organizations that also have social responsibilities.

In addition to that, the various companies, as well as those that are interested in the environment, are very likely to attract them.

Well, social networks, international trips and multiculture have been the crucial driving forces for this.

People can now connect and interact digitally from different ends in the world. In addition to that, most of them are raised in multicultural homes.

In terms of work experience, some of the things that generation Z seeks in potential employers include:

  • International experience
  • Promotion possibilities
  • Work travel opportunities within the United States

According to benefits and compensation, this is what generation Z is looking for potential employers:

  • Performance bonds
  • Base salary
  • Basic health benefits that include dental vision and

The main communication channels with potential employers include:

Final thoughts

Globalization, economic uncertainty, social networks and diversity are some of the powerful tools that have shaped generation Z.

They are empowered, conscious and knowledgeable. In addition to that, they are also interested in traveling abroad and are interested in raising awareness about socio -political injustices.

Generation Z is mainly interested in Stem races.

Most of them also expect more of their employers when considering factors such as environmental awareness, diversity and promotion opportunities, among others.

For more information on the study of professional interest of Gen Z or more information about this emerging demographic group, visit the official site of NSHSS.

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