Review of the genus Pseudocleobis Pocock, 1900 (Ammotrechidae) in Chile with the description of nine new species

He Pseudocleobis Chile are reviewed. Pseudocleobis Morsicanos (Gervais, 1849) and P. chilensis Roewer, 1934 are considered Species Research. Pseudocleobis Andinus (Pocock, 1899) is eliminated from Chilean fauna, and its previous records are considered erroneous identifications. Pseudocleobis alticola Pocock, 1900 is recorded from Chile for the first time. Nine new species are described, Pseudocleobis elongatus north. sp., P. Atacamensis north. sp., P. Puna north. sp., P. Krausi north. sp., P. choirs north. sp., P. Lalakama north. sp., P. Mumai north. sp., P. Cekalovici north. sp. and P. squad north. sp. The species can be distinguished by the male morphology of Chelicera. We discuss Chilean’s relationship Pseudocleobis With other species of the genus, based on morphology. This work increases the number of species of Chilean solifugiades known by almost 70%, revealing the high degree of diversification of this group in Chile.

Iuri Ha, Ojanguen-Fellastro AA, Maury EA, Alfaro FM, Camusseigt-Montolivo B, Pizarro-Araya J (2025) Research of the diversity of high solifugia: Review of the genre Pseudocleobis Pocock, 1900 (Ammotrechidae) in Chile with the description of nine new species. PLOS One 20 (1): E0309776.

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