Does the iPhone touch screen work? Try these 8 corrections

The iPhone touch screen It has characteristics such as multiple intuitive and receptive touch, true tone, night shift and haptic touch.

Needless to say, there is much hardware and software working together so that these characteristics work. When your hardware or software experiences problems, that can make the touch screen work badly or stop working completely.

Fortunately, there are enough things that you can try before considering a screen replacement of a cell phone. Try these 8 corrections when you have an iPhone touch screen that does not work.

How do touch screens work?

Any screen that interacts through touch is considered a touch screen. But in reality there are two main types of touch, resistive and capacitive screens. Each one uses electricity to record the touch, but they do it through different processes.

A resistive touch screen is like the screen that can be found in a self-checkout. There is a display layer at the top and under a conductive electric layer. When pressure is applied to the screen, press the layer under and the electric current records its touch.

A capacitive touch screen is the type of screen used by its iPhone, as well as other smartphones and tablets. But an iPhone touch screen has its own unique technology.

Under where you play the screen there is an LCD screen and a digitizer. The LCD screen projects what you see on the screen, the digitizer is what its touch feel. Both pieces then connect to the logical plate, which is what makes their phone work.

Why do iPhone screens stop working?

If you have damaged your iPhone digitizer, the capacity of the touch screen to process your touch can be compromised. Even a single fall can loosen the cables between the LCD screen, the digitizer and/or the logical plate. Another physical damage that can make your iPhone’s touch screen cease to work includes exposure to temperatures, humidity and accumulated waste very high or very low.

If there is no physical damage on its touch screen, then the problem is likely to be a software problem. This means that their software and hardware do not work together with the way they need it for your phone to work properly. Software problems can be caused by applications, viruses and an obsolete iOS.

The iPhone touch screen does not work? 8 simple solutions

When you have an iPhone touch screen that does not work, access applications and data on your phone can be difficult, if not impossible. But it is possible that he can solve the problem with one of these 8 simple solutions.

1. Clean your phone

It is possible that its touch screen, or parts of it, make dirt or dirt interpose in its touch. Before cleaning your screen, clean your hands. Then use a cloth without dry or slightly wet to give the screen a complete cleaning.

2. Remove the screen protector

A screen protector could block its touch with accumulated dirt or if it is too thick. To verify if the screen protector is the problem, eliminate it, give the screen and the protector a cleaning, and test the screen.

If the screen works, replace the protector. And if the touch screen stops working with the screen protector instead, he knows that he must replace his protector.

3. Soft or hard restoration

A soft restart can help when you have a touch screen that does not work. You can gently restore your iPhone going to Configuration> General> Restable.

If you cannot access your screen to restart your phone, you can try a hard restart. On an iPhone 7 or 7Plus, hold the feeding button and volume down until the Apple logo appears. In an iphone 8 or newer, press and release the volume button up, press and release the volume button down, and then press and hold the side button.

4. Eliminate applications

If you notice that your touch screen stops working when using a specific application, try to remove that application and reinstall it. To do so: Locate the application on the home screen, press and press the application icon and, from the menu, select Eliminate application> Delete application> Eliminate. You can reinstall the application of the App Store to see if the problem is solved.

5. Update

Do not update your iOS software can cause many common iPhone software problems. Check if you have an iOS update and install it by going to Configuration> General> Software update. Install any new update by clicking on Download and install.

6. Restore factory configuration

Resting your phone to the factory configuration will delete any application and data from your phone. This essentially restores the software to the original manufacturer’s configuration and could help solve software problems that make its touch screen work.

Before restoring your phone to factory configuration, be sure to make a backup copy of all your data. You can do it using ICLOUD or connect your phone to a computer and run iTunes.


The iPhone 6 Plus is prone to something called iPhone touch disease. If your phone has a blinking gray bar along the upper screen or problems with pinches to zoom and accessibility, it could be the result of iPhone’s touch disease.

If that is the case, Apple has a specific repair program for this problem.

8. Arrange physical damage

If none of the above has returned its touch screen, it may have a damaged screen. In this case, you will need a cell phone screen replacement. And although it is possible to do this on their own, we recommend that professionals handle hardware repairs on an iPhone.

Mississauga expert cell phone repair

In many cases, an iPhone touch screen that does not work means a software solution. If that is the case, you can try to restore the phone, eliminate applications that may be causing the problem or update your phone. But in the event that your touch screen does not work due to physical damage, you are likely to need a cell phone screen replacement.

We are experts in Mississauga of cell phone repair. In most cases, we can make repairs on your iPhone’s touch screen the same day you bring it. Reserve an appointment with us today.

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