10 biblical verses to help business owners grow in 2025 »triumph like their own boss

On this day of Martin Luther King, I decided to adopt a unique approach to compile this year’s biblical verses. During the summer. I received a message from God at 4:20 am several days in a row, and I realized that I wanted him to read the Bible and find the relevant verses that will inspire us all to grow our faith in this stressful business time. You will notice that all verses come from verse 4:20. Fighting and growing fast can be equally challenging, it is difficult. As believers, we need to know what to do to handle difficult times and maintain hope. My favorite cousin has a saying: “Pray as if everything depends on God and works as if everything were for you.” These are the 10 biblical verses to help business owners increase their faith in 2025.

1. Philippians 4:20 NIV

“For our God and the Father, be glory forever. Amen.”

This verse describes how Christians can overcome concern regardless of their circumstances. When making a determined decision to be grateful and happy, and praise God through any situation, you open your heart to a blessing. As believers, we must trust God to meet all our needs. We should not consume with materialism or anxiety. What is in your bank account has nothing to do with the result. He is a road manufacturer.

2. Galatians 4:20 NIV

“I want to be present with you now and change my voice; Because I have doubts about you. “

This means that we should never give up ourselves or others. If a brother or sister is in sin, do not give up with them. As we are all sinners saved by grace. If you make a big and expensive mistake, you can give up yourself. Forgive yourself. Keep all situations in prayer and stay encouraged. If your child has moved away from God, never give up them. If you love someone and left you, keep praying for him. You must continue to believe that all things work together for your good.

3. Proverbs 4:20 NIV

My son, pays attention to what I say; Turn my ear to my words. “

The better he listens and learns a person, the greater the leader who will be. God wants us to learn to listen to his voice. You can certainly listen to your voice in a worship service, but it is better Pass time daily with God. Read the Bible and pray to start or finish your day. You can also seek patterns in your life that can indicate God’s guidance. Often, I receive calls from people I know that God sent me to speak to me. Just pay attention, the voice of God is around you.

4. Matthew 4:20 NIV

They immediately left their networks and followed.

The act of leaving your networks symbolizes a break from your previous life to follow Jesus and walk Christianly. We all have a divine call or purpose. Mine is helping and the cultivation of successful business owners. Do you know what yours is? Have you prayed and asked God to show it to you? In 2007, I felt completely lost, and they began to pray and ask God what I should do. In a matter of months, he showed me in a dream three times that I had to serve small businesses and become the expert in small companies number 1 in the United States.

5. 1 John 4:20 Niv

“If someone says: ‘I love God’ and hate his brother, he is a liar; because he who does not love his brother whom he has seen cannot love God whom he has not seen.”

Those who hate do not remain in Christ. The Bible teaches that forgiveness is a powerful act of love and obedience that is essential for a Christian life. But first we must forgive ourselves. The relationship we have with ourselves is key to the relationship we can build with others. We must forgive so that we can be forgiven, but ultimately, forgiveness is really for you. When you don’t forgive people, it’s like drinking poison waiting for someone else to kill. Forgiveness is like us Live in love to overcome anger, bitterness and revenge and receive healing and peace. Forgiveness brings us closer to God.

6. 1 Corinthians 4:20 NIV

Because the kingdom of God does not consist of a talk but in power.

God does not want us to talk about him, he wants us to live his example. We must always be Demonstrating the love of God, compassion, forgiveness and service towards others. Of course, none of us is perfect. But we must continually strive to be so. It is a learning process. We must internalize these behaviors to be genuine in it.

7. Mark 4:20 NIV

Others, such as the seed sown on a good floor, listen to the word, accept it and produce a crop, about thirty, about sixty, about a hundred times what was sown. “

Jesus wants us to be productive in our service to his kingdom. In fact, he is working in our lives to achieve a great harvest. As a small seed that becomes a majestic plant or tree, the power of the kingdom is multiplied through the lives of those completely committed to Jesus! Our businesses grow in the same way. God gives us an idea of ​​an idea, and hopes to see how we work on it so that it becomes something that can serve the crowds. The worst thing we can do is ignore an idea that God planted in our spirit. When he does that, he also sends everything you need to achieve it.

8. Acts 4:20 NIV

As for us, we cannot avoid talking about what we have seen and heard. ”

Jesus is known for many names, Lord, Savior, Redeemer, Healer, Waymaker, Promise Keeper and Light of the World, among others. God wants us to talk about the blessings and miracles he has made in our lives as evidence of the role of faith. If God has blessed you, it is important to share your testimony with others. There are many unbelievers among us, so it is essential to share the good news to make the light see.

9. 2 Corinthians 4:20 NIV

We are hard everywhere, but not crushed; perplexed, but not desperate; persecuted, but not abandoned; Attacked, but not destroyed.

There will always be tensions and problems in life, especially if you direct a business, but God sees us through all problems. The kingdom of God is about the power of God, not the words or human philosophy. The power of God available only through faith in Christ and the Holy Spirit. Prayer is how we activate the Holy Spirit within us. If you are at a dead point in your business, pray for that, help and pray about it, and if you don’t work, you just know you have something even better for you, I was protecting you or want your attention.

10. Ecclesiastes 4:20 NIV

“Note the right time and be careful with evil, and do not be ashamed of being yourself.”

As believers, We must always act wisely, avoid irregularities and embrace our identity given by God. As believers, We must actively strive to live a life that reflects our new identity in Christ, leaving behind our previous corrupt forms and hugging a life of justice and holiness; This transformation occurs through the renewal of our minds and the work of the Holy Spirit within us.

I hope these words inspire you to never forget that God loves you. His love never changes, and his blessing is new every day. He wants the best for you, even in difficult days. Everything is intended for your good. Keep your eyes focused on him and will always maintain a perfect peace.

#biblical #verses #business #owners #grow #triumph #boss

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