The man’s carnivorous diet causes strange yellow deposits in the skin: sciences

According to a published report, a diet of hamburgers, cheese and butter not particularly healthy led a Florida man to develop yellow cholesterol deposits in his body, according to a recently published report.

We do not have too many details about the case, but it is said that the man is over 40 years old, and had been seeing “asymptomatic yellowish nodules in his palms, plants and elbows” for three weeks when he went to see a doctor.

That he continued for about eight months of sticking to Carnivorous Dietwhich means nothing more than meat, poultry, eggs, shellfish, some dairy products and water. Fruits and vegetables are prohibited, like grains, legumes, seeds and nuts.

Yellow hands
Cholesterol deposits in the patient’s hands. (Marmagkkiolis et al., Jama Cardiology2025)

While the carnivorous diet (a type of low carbohydrate keto diet) has grown in popularity in recent years, science says that it will leave its body less essential vitamins, nutrients and fibers, and will increase the risk of diseases such as cancer.

Apparently, the guy consumed up to 4 kilograms (9 pounds) of fatty foods every day, even adding extra fat to their hamburgers. Its cholesterol level was recorded at more than 1,000 mg/dl, more than five times higher than the Recommended healthy range For adults.

These eating habits and high cholesterol caused yellow spots on the skin, since cholesterol overloaded the bloodstream. In some areas, the accumulation was so large that cholesterol had begun to break the skin.

The medical team that saw the man diagnosed an extreme case of xantelasmawhich leads to visible yellow cholesterol deposits under the skin. It often appears around the eyes, but it can also appear in other parts of the body.

Yellow hands
A closer view of cholesterol deposits. (Marmagkkiolis et al., Jama Cardiology2025)

Previous research He has linked Xanthelasma with other conditions, including diabetes and thyroid problems. It is also closely associated with hyperlipidemia or high cholesterol, as in this fat diet scenario.

While brands are not painful, now they can only be eliminated by special surgery, even if the man’s diet (and cholesterol levels) return to normal. Laser surgery is an option, as is an extreme cold nitrogen treatment.

In addition to physical manifestations, the condition indicates something more serious below: high cholesterol is related to a variety of significant health problems, which include heart disease, stroke and kidney disease.

There is a lot of evidence that the way in which high cholesterol obstructs blood can encourage cancer growth and, potentially, even increase the risk of dementia, in addition to making the essential pathways of the body clog.

Hopefully the patient in this case has paid attention to the doctors’ advice and made some adjustments to his diet, even if he had reported that the carnivorous diet had led to weight loss, a feeling of having more energy and improving clarity mental.

The case study has been published in Jama Cardiology.

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