Why do flies are obsessed with humans, this is what they really look for

Few things are as annoying as a Flying around your headdodging each swat with irritating agility. Whether it is a homemade fly about your food or a mosquito on your skin, these small insects seem determined to invade our space. But why are they so attracted to us? And what is more important, how can we keep them away?

Why the flies are obsessed with humans

The reason flies They are attracted to people depend on their species, but most follow their instincts To find food, heat or a place to put eggs. Some are only opportunistic feeders, while others are true parasites.

“For a certain group of them, they are interested in us because we are mammals with warm blood that they can feed,” he explains Jonathan Larsonan entomologist in the University of Kentucky. This includes mosquitoes, deer flies and horsesthat track us detecting carbon dioxide In our breathing and other body odors.

You are delicious (a fly)

Flies have an amazing capacity to meaning and analyzing aromasOften detecting food sources kilometers away. Jody Gangloff-Kaufmannan entomologist in Cornell UniversityHe says that human bodies emit naturally compounds that flies find irresistible, including Carbon dioxide, lactic acid and carboxylic acid.

However, not everyone smells the same to a fly. Sammy RamseyEntomology Assistant Professor at Colorado University BoulderExplain that individual body chemistry, dietand activity level Influence how attractive a person for flies is. “If you could see smell, you would see a cloud of effervescence around the bodies of all the people you know,” he says. Some people simply smell more attractive than others.

Sweat Slurpees: why homemade flies land on your skin

Unlike blood sucks, flies (Domestic musca) They do not look for their blood, they are after the nutrients in their skin. “Our skin is covered with things that can drink,” says Larson. “There is Carbohydrates, proteins and all kinds of things in our sweat and skin oils They can lick like a 7-eleven. “

However, sweat is not its main source of food. Ramsey suggests that it flies lick our skin to replace saltsBut when they are very hungry, they will resort to decomposition or human food. If they land in their sandwich, they will not only take a biteFirst they will vomit the digestive enzymesliquefying the food before sipping it through its tube.

How flies detect food (and danger)

Flies are well equipped to detect meals and dodge threats. His Antennas and small hairs In their bodies they contain sensory receptors that detect chemicals in the air. Some flies can collect aromas from miles away and follow them directly to their source.

Once a fly lands, “Flavors” foodthat are covered in sensory receptors that instantly determine if something is edible. This quick evaluation allows them snatch a meal and escape before being beaten.

Flies also have Huge eyes of multiple lenses that give them almost 360 degree field of vision. Its ability to detect the slightest movement That is why they always seem to retire just before you can hit them.

Why homefalls are more than annoying

The house flies are not just irritating, they are also disgusting. His curiosity means that they land in everything, including rotten garbage, animal waste and human foods.

“They land in poop. The feet are dirty. They do not wash their hands, and then come and come in your sandwich, ”says Larson. This makes them perfect Disease ownerscapable of transmitting diseases such as cholera, tuberculosis and typhoid fever.

How to keep the flies away

There is no of unique size Method to repel all flies, but some strategies can help reduce their presence:

  • Wear long clothes – This makes it more difficult for blood flies to bite you.
  • Use repellent – Products containing Disbursement either Lemon eucalyptus oil It can deter many flies.
  • Keep the food covered – Flies are attracted to food and leftovers discovered.
  • Eliminate reproduction zones – Stagnant water, garbage and rotten organic matter attract flies.

The next time you are under siege due to humming invaders, remember: They are just following their instincts. But with some simple tricks, you can make yourself much less attractive to them.

This article was originally published in life.

#flies #obsessed #humans

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