[Botany • 2025] Spiadiclis Scorpiura (Rubiaceae) • A new species of Guangxi, China


Escorpiura expiration (Rubiaceae), A new calcareous species It is located in Guangxi, China, describes and illustrates. This new species is similar to S. Coccinea, S. Scabrida, and S. Purpureocaerulea Having pubescent stems and subglobous capsules, but easily distinguished by its zincinous inflorescence and its triangular pubescent bracteols, 1 to 2 mm long. According to the IUCN criteria, it is considered poor in data (DD) until there is more information available. Photographs, an illustration, a distribution map and a comparative table with the most similar species are provided.

Keywords: Daxin County, limestone, new species, sink, taxonomy

Line drawing Escorpiura expiration Y.nong and L.wu
A plant in flower B flower of a lot of long, front view, which shows the lobes of the corolla and the longitudinally open stigma of a long -style flower, which shows the position of the stamens and style and style and Stigma F longitudinally open short style, showing the position of stamens and style and stigma g of seed

(Drawn by Xin-Cheng qu).

Escorpiura expiration Y.nong and L.wu
A habit B Detail of the Fructification plant C Inflorescence d stipula e Longitudinally open and long style F flower of flowering of longitudinally open and short style flowers

(Photographed and edited by you Nong).

Escorpiura expiration Y.nong and L.wu, sp. nov.

Chinese name: Xiē Wěi Luó xù cǎo (蝎尾螺序草).

Diagnosis: Escorpiura expiration It is more similar to S. coccinea, but it is different in its densely pubescent young stems that become glabrous when old , pubescent (1 to long vs. subulate, 3–4 mm long, glabrous), its puberulent calyx outside (vs. glabrescent outside) and its capsule of 3 to 4 mm in diameter. (vs. 4.5–5.5 mm in diameter).

Etymology. The specific epithet “Scorpiura“It refers to the terminal and cinchant inflorescences of the new species.

You Nong, Li-Qa Lei, Lei Wu, Qi-Min Hu, Ying-Jing Li, Xin-Cheng Qu, Chuan-Gui Xu and Gui-Yuan Wei. 2025.Escorpiura expiration (Rubiaceae), a new species of Guangxi, China. Phytokeys. 252: 41-49. DOI: doi.org/10.3897/phytokeys.252.139783

#Botany #Spiadiclis #Scorpiura #Rubiaceae #species #Guangxi #China

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