Four new genres of dark sacks from southern Africa (Araneae, trachelidae)

As part of the ongoing reviews of Afro -ropical TRACHELIDAEFour new genres of southern Africa are described: FORDANA Gen nov.with F. distinguish sp. nov. from South Africa (Eastern Cabo, Free State, Kwazulu-Natal and Western Cape) as the type species, F. Flavipoda sp. nov. of the free state, F. Kasouga sp. nov. from the Eastern Cabo and Kwazulu-Natal, and a fourth non-described species of Zimbabwe; The monotypic Mushimano Gen nov.with METRO. tswibilinki sp. nov. of Kwazulu-Natal as the type species; Namaquella Gen nov.with NORTH. ARIDA sp. nov. from the North Cape as a type and species NORTH. Samanthae sp. nov. of the western end; and Rukuluk Gen nov. from South Africa, with R. Graminous sp. nov. from the North Cape as a type and second species not described by Kwazulu-Natal known only for minors.

Haddad Cr (2025) and continue to arrive: four new genres of dark sacks from southern Africa (Araneae, Tracheidae). African invertebrates 66 (1): 19-64.

#genres #dark #sacks #southern #Africa #Araneae #trachelidae

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