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Solve common radio problems

Radio DAB has become increasingly popular due to the great sound quality and the wide range of stations it offers. However, like any technology, you can sometimes experience problems. But not fear: in this article, we will analyze some common problems and rapid technical advice to help solve them. Poor reception Bad reception is one…

How a volcanic eruption turned a human brain into glass

“It is an extraordinary finding,” says Matteo Borrini, a forensic anthropologist at Liverpool John Moores University in the United Kingdom, who did not participate in the investigation. “He tells us how [brain] Preservation can work … extreme conditions can produce extreme results. ” Bright remains The Roman city of Herculano has been covered with ashes…

Evidence of molecular morphology and analysis

[A-F] Cymbidium × Shangrilaense S.Ke, Qhzhang and Srlan, [G] C. tracyanum. [H] C. Gaoligonense in Ke, Zhu, Zhao, Liu, Li, Huang, Zhang, Liu in LAN, 2022. Abstract A new natural hybrid of Cymbidium (Orchidaceae), C. × ShangrilaenseFrom the province of Yunnan, China, it is illustrated and described. This entity can be a natural hybrid between…