Laura Cretacea Lardía contained a typical dinosaur fauna that consisted of herbivorous, ceratopsy and carnivorous tyrannosurids. Previously, tyrannosauroid teeth have been found in the Dalangshan formation of the upper cretaceous of the city of Sihui, China. We describe a fragmentary skeleton of a dinosaur with duck peak of the same general region. The skeleton includes dorsal and flow vertebrae, a humerus, ilum, femur and warm. Morphological comparison and cladistic analysis support that this specimen belongs to the Lambeosaurini tribe, which is otherwise poorly represented in China. The new specimens and the discovered tyrannosauroid teeth represent the dominant taxa of the typical fauna of the late cretaceous dinosaur of Laurasia.
Keywords: Dinosauria, Hadrosauridae, Lambeosaurinae, Lambeosaurini, Maastrichtian
#species #science #Paleontology #appearance #dinosaur #tribe #lambeosaurini #duck #peak #Hadrosauridae #lambeosaurinae #southern #China