Sorry, CNN, the “cow fart” vaccine is not necessary or climate change will stop.

Of the weatherREALISM

By Lueken Linnea

A recent CNN article, “How a ‘fart from cow’ could help address climate change“, Discusss a vaccine in development to cows to reduce the amount of methane produced by their digestive processes. The hope is that the vaccine significantly reduces cattle emissions, thus slowing climate change. It will not do it. The methane of the cattle contributes Little, in any case, to global warming.

CNN explains that methane occurs as grass ferments in the rumen, and states that it is more “powerful” than carbon dioxide, but admits that it is relatively very short in the atmosphere. The author, Jacapo Prisco, states that “cattle represents approximately one third of methane emissions related to humans, which are collectively responsible for approximately 30% of global warming.”

Here the author of CNN misunderstands the statements made about methane, or is intentionally deceiving readers. The author cites the International Energy Agency (IEA) as the source of your claim on cattle methane emissions. The IAI says that it is estimated that methane is responsible for 30 percent of global warming, a point that admits that it is open to debate. What are you doing No Let’s say that methane livestock emissions are responsible for 30 percent of heating, which is what Prisco’s statement implies. Cattle emissions are only a small part of methane emissions attributable to human causes, much less global methane emissions as a whole. It is also important to keep in mind that the EIE estimates of anthropogenic methane emissions (caused by humans) are much higher than the majority of official government evaluations calculate. To be clear, the IAE is not a scientific organization, but an institution created to evaluate global energy supplies, stock and future needs; In recent years, he has diverted himself from his mission of becoming a defender of climate activism and legislation.

Data from EPA Show that meat production only represents 2 percent of all greenhouse gas emissions in the United States, and only part of that comes from the methane of digestive cows processes. This is remarkable, especially from the United States produces More beef and veal than any other country. The production of agricultural crops, in contrast, produces 10 percent of all greenhouse gas emissions in the United States. It is not unreasonable to assume that the same is true for the rest of the world.

A recent one paper Written by physicists William Happer, Ph.D., from Princeton University and Wa Van Wijngarden, Ph.D., from the University of York de Toronto, explains that contrary to affirm that methane is a super share in the atmosphere “Methane’s contribution to the annual increase in forcing is a tenth (30/300) that carbon dioxide ” Based on that fact, scientists conclude that “[p]Roposal to impose hard restrictions on methane emissions due to warm fears are not justified by the facts. “

As Climate realism has argued on other occasions, here, hereand hereFor example, methane has a limited capacity to contribute significantly to heating due to the fact that much of the energy absorption bands affected by gas are already covered by water vapor, which constitutes a massive proportion of the gases of Greenhouse effect on the atmosphere.

As a result, methane is practically inconsequential with respect to global warming. The current concentrations are around 1.9 parts per million (PPM). By way of comparison, the atmosphere contains 18 ppm of neon and 426 ppm co2.

The vaccine discussed in history does not yet exist, is being investigated by the Pirbright Institute of the United Kingdom, and has been a decade of several research organizations, without “tangible results so far,” CNN reports.

The side effects for the animal have already raised the hypothesis, such as “a reduction in the amount of food that the rumen can absorb, which means that cattle may require more foods, increasing costs for farmers.” Making cattle less efficient to process food and mass is a bad idea in a world where hunger is still too common.

It seems that the digestive processes of cattle, and the role of methane production in it, are still known little. Taking into account the fact that methane production is possibly a fundamental step in the digestive processes of ruminate animals, including cattle such as cattle, livestock, sheep and goats, it is essential to understand the importance of methane in the Digestive process before manipulating it in the vain effort to mitigate climate change. This is especially true considering that the effort to control cattle emissions is a solution in search of a problem, without tangible benefit for the world and consequences unknown to the animals involved.

CNN deceives readers by promulgating the influence of methane emissions on global temperatures, as well as the amount that contributes with animal breeding. The data show that agriculture in its entirety, and the production of cattle more particularly, have little or no impact on the global climate.


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