Why are green leaves?

If you take a look outside, you will probably see a lot of green. Green grass, green leaves that cover green trees and plants, but Why are green leaves?

Most plant leaves are green as they contain a pigment called chlorophyll, which is green.

Small pea plant next to a bright irrigation

Chlorophyll is needed so that plants absorb the sunlight they need to make glucose through a process called photosynthesis.

Photosynthesis takes place in chloroplasts of a plant cell, which contain green chlorophyll. Chloroplasts are a bit like small solar panels, which produces energy from sunlight.

Plant cell diagram showing the different organelles

Definition of chlorophyll

Chlorophyll is pigment in certain types of cells where photosynthesis occurs.

What are the motley leaves?

The varied leaves are leaves with more than one color. The leaves below have white areas that do not contain chlorophyll.

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Beautiful Seventh Leaves of Giants

More about plants and chlorophyll

Some types of algae called chlorophyta also contain chlorophyll.

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Last update on October 9, 2024 by Emma Vanstone

#green #leaves

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