How to start and do around SH40,000 a month with the Earth Worms network business in Kenyakuza’s blog

The demand for organic foods in Kenya is increasing in the midst of the growing consumers aware of health who are interested in knowing the origin of what they are buying to eat.

This has caused a domino effect on organic agriculture that is currently increasing very fast to meet the increasing organic markets in Kenya.

Now, one of the approaches to organic agriculture is the application of biological methods to protect and provide very necessary nutrients for plants.

Some of these vegetable nutrients include vermicompost vermíliques that can only be found from red earthworms that eat remains of food and other organic waste at a fast pace.

The raising of these worms can create a lucrative business for anyone interested in making cold cash of less capital investment, since it is not expensive to establish and, at this time, it is not full.


It is good to always start a small one and increase investment as the business reaches its maximum point. Therefore, it will need a high structure built of surveys and wooden descents that are cheap and, in some cases, easily available, especially in a rural environment.

Together with some nails, this structure can cost no more than SH5,000. You will also need some containers such as cubes or old capacity of 10-20 liters where you will collect Alumeria.

Red worms feed on organic waste such as fruits and vegetables that can be found without charge, therefore, you will not need to buy food.

Starting worms can cost SH2,500 to obtain them from an established vermiculterist, a earthworm. This is also the time you can take, when you observe, some simple tips to improve your worm breeding company.

With these, it will be better located to start and have a vermicompost and vermilíchid collection system from time to time.

18Possible returns

It can reap crops of 100-150 kilos of vermicompost and 80-100 liters of vermiliquid per month.

Buy a kilo of vermicompost to SH70 and a liter of vermilíquido to SH150, which will give it about SH25,500 per month.

With food craps available, worms can really multiply very fast and in a short time, it will also start selling them to other producers and gain more effective.

The experts claim that a kilogram of earthworms (approximately 1500 worms) fed very well and is given the correct humidity and protection against predators in early January, can multiply and increase their number to approximately 4000 kilograms at the end of December.

And after a year of parenting, a farmer can produce up to three tons of organic fertilizers every day.

Currently, a kilo of red worms goes to SH200, which means that if you can sell a minimum of 10 kilos per month, SH20,000 will win. Add this to SH25,500 of Vermicompost and Vermiliquid, more than SH40,000 will be pocketed per month.


Last word

Remember, as indicated above, this is a business that is less busy at this time, which means that it will not be difficult to find customers.

These clients include organic farmers of those who need biological control measures for pests and diseases that attack their crops.

Add vermicompost and vermilic to the ground reduces insect pests and plants diseases in a certain field and greenhouse crops, including corn, wheat, pea, cucumber and tomato, according to Dr. Freddie Acosta, a Senior Professor of Technology Management and Innovation Management at Strathmore Business School. .

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