The planet record wind hides a different climate from everything we have seen: Sciencealert

Around a star 880 light years from Earth Orbits, one of the wildest and extreme exoplanets that we have found to date.

His name is Tylos (Wasp-121b), a world so scorchingly close to his sun that his atmosphere is thick with clouds of vaporized metal, and rains liquid sapphires and rubies. Now, scientists have managed to rebuild their stormy atmosphere in three dimensions, destroying a record recently established by faster winds known while revealing a different climate to anything seen in our solar system.

And it is an absolute cork. The powerful currents of Jetstream blow iron clouds and titanium faster than the Exoplanet can turn as vertical circulation patterns transport deep energy underneath.

“The atmosphere of this planet behaves in a way that challenges our understanding of how the weather works, not only on Earth, but on all the planets”, “,”, “,” Astrophysics Julia Victoria Seidel says of the European Observatory of the South. “It feels like some science fiction.”

Supersonic iron winds revealed in the first map of an alien atmosphere
A diagram that describes the 3D structure of the Tylos atmosphere. (That/m. Kornmesser)

Of the almost 6,000 confirmed exoplanets On the Milky Way, Tylos has one of the most studied atmospheres that exist. It is what we call a hot jupiter, a world comparable in size of our own gas giants, but so close to its star is that its temperature is significantly hotter than some stars.

In fact, Tylos is one of the ultra hot prototypical Jupiters. It is about 1.74 times the radio and 1.16 times the mass of Jupiter; And orbit its star so close that its year lasts approximately 30 hours, which leads to a balance temperature of around 2,360 Kelvin (2,087 Celsius or 3,788 Fahrenheit). Between heat and gravity, Tylos’s atmosphere is filtering space; The Exoplanet is literally evaporating.

The hot Jupiters are fun to study for some reasons. Any light that filters through the swollen atmosphere of the planet as they pass between us and its star can collect clues about the elements and compounds that probably float there. It is through this method that the previous efforts have determined the different metals in the Tylos atmosphere.

To study the planet in greater detail, Seidel and its colleagues brought the four telescope units of the ESO great telescope, combining its power to determine not only what the atmosphere is made, but the complex layers it includes.

“What we found was surprising: a stream current turns material around the planet’s equator, while a separate flow at lower levels from the atmosphere moves the gas from the hot side to the coldest side. This type of climate has never been seen before on any planet ” Seidel says. “Even the strongest hurricanes of the solar system seem quiet compared.”

Because Tylos is so close to its host star, a yellow white F -type star called Dilmun, is what we call Blocked tidea: Its rotation period is the same as its orbital period. This means that the same side always faces the star, obtaining the worst part of its scorching heat. FRAMBORDER = “0 ″ PERTER =” accelerometer; Autoplay; clipboard-writing; Encrypted half; gyroscope; image image; Web-Share “Referrerpolicy =” Strict-Origin-When-Cross-Origin “Permisscreen>

The result of this is an extreme temperature gradient between the side of the day and the night side of his exoplanet, which agitates powerful winds that can reach supersonic speeds. The researchers observed a stream current that covers half of the exoplanet that accelerates and agitates the atmosphere at large altitudes as the side of the day blows.

In the morning, its speed was measured at 13.7 kilometers (8.5 miles) per second. At night, that speed had almost doubled at 26.8 kilometers (16.7 miles) per second. That makes it the The fastest atmospheric jet current ever recorded.

A temperature difference of around 950 Kelvin between the morning and night in the Exoplanet also shows that the stream current is heating as it flows.

Supersonic iron winds revealed in the first map of an alien atmosphere
A diagram of the Tylos atmosphere. (That/m. Kornmesser)

In the Bottommost atmospheric layer, the winds blow iron clouds at super rotational speeds. That is faster than the exoplanet rotation speed. Above that is a layer of sodium, and above that a layer of hydrogen that is filtering the space.

And, below everything, for the first time, the investigators detected titanium in the atmosphere of the Exoplanet. Previous censuses of their atmospheric contents found that Titanium was missing; Now we know that he is there, but buried in the deep of other layers. That discovery was published in a Second accompanying role.

With luck, the team’s findings represent an aging forward for Exoplanet research.

“It is really amazing that we can study details such as the chemical composition and the climatic patterns of a planet at such a vast distance,” Bibiana Prinoth Astrophysics says from the University of Lund in Sweden. “This experience makes me feel that we are about to discover incredible things that we can only dream of now.”

The investigation has been published in Nature.

#planet #record #wind #hides #climate #Sciencealert

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