A popular diabetes and a drug for weight loss reduced people’s desire to drink alcohol.
The results, of the first clinical trial of this type, suggest that the semaglutida can be promising as a treatment for problematic alcohol consumption. The semaglutida is sold as Ozempic and Wogovy.
Some people have reported that this drug family, called GLP-1 agonists, slows not only the desire to eat, but also to drink alcohol and smoking cigarettes. The data of mice, rats and non -human primates support that. But clear evidence of the people was missing.
The new study included 48 adults, all of which had alcohol consumption disorder. None of the participants sought treatment for the disorder, which is estimated to affected approximately 29 percent of the adults in the United States at some point in their lives. Each volunteer was randomly assigned to receive weekly semaglutid injections or a placebo.
At the beginning and end of the nine -week treatment period, participants entered a laboratory and were offered their favorite alcoholic beverage. After receiving semaglutida, people He drank less alcoholClinical Psychologist Christian Hendershot, from the University of Southern California in Los Angeles, and colleagues report on February 12 Jama Psychiatry. In the laboratory -based drink session at the end of the experiment, the people who received the placebo drank just under 60 grams of alcohol on average; People in Semaglutidas drank approximately half of that, a little more than 30 grams. A 12 -oure standard beer can has approximately 14 grams of alcohol.
In addition, in the second half of the experiment, people in Semaglutide reported that they drank approximately 30 percent less drinks in the days they drank in front of their baseline drink habits. People in placebo dropped their drinking counting on the days of drinking only one pinch. That finding suggestions that the semaglutida can reduce the amount of alcohol that people drink, even if it does not prevent you from drinking completely.
The results seem promising, says Hendershot. Even so, “it is better to see these numbers with caution.” Larger studies are needed for longer periods to confirm and clarify the effects of LPG-1 drugs on the use of alcohol and other harmful substances by people, including tobacco and opioids.
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