‘Iridescent’ clouds in Mars captured in the Martian twilight in impressive images of NASA Rover (Video)

How do you see the clouds on Mars? Well, a new video sewn of images captured by NASA Curiosity Rover offers a look. In this video, delicate red and green-green clouds are seen to drift through the Martian sky in striking patterns that resemble the clouds of the earth. Studying how and where Mars are formed, these clouds can help scientists better understand their impact on the climate of the planet.

The images, which were captured on January 17 by one of the two cameras on board CuriosityIt presents “noctilucent” or twilight clouds: captured clouds that rose so high in the sky of Mars that are illuminated by sunlight even when it is night on the planet’s surface. The snapshots were collected for 16 minutes and accelerated about 480 times to result in the previous video, according to a statement For the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, which built curiosity and leads the mission.

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