They are young die mass Or the predatories in environmental groups that take advantage of public credit destroy their holistic hemp garments with a blessing of shamans because a wave of improvement of public health has spread throughout the United States?
‘People are dying’ are just a headline to take eye balloons. The most accurate list of deaths shows more young People are dying of recreational drugs that in recent years, when even if he was shot and died of him, but had positive for the coronavirus in the first 30 days, CDCs may have been listed as a COVID-19 death by The CDC. However, more people are not dying. Of anything.
Even more deaths of recreational drug users are not convincing, since the progressives and their allies in the corporate media had to pivot from being anti -cacamics to be supporters of the great pharmacy that saved the world. Not being able to blame medicine for death means that they are forced to find new ways of saying that the modern world is killing us. It has become a challenge. The murders are low throughout the countryalthough still alarmingly high in cities such as San Francisco and Chicago. Recreational drug deaths They are also low. Obesity, an early mortality risk factor almost as large as cigarettes and alcohol – below. Even Traffic deaths have fallen.
Scary look, right? You can relax, they are beautiful photos and then invoke suspicious epidemiology to “suggest” images correlate with dementia. It is not science. However, it is a lot of modern nature/Macmillan/Scientific American posture against science, thanks to the Holtzbrinck family that owns those who demand more and more income every quarter. Credit: 10.1038/S41591-024-03453-1
How are all dying less than all, except old age, while environmental groups claim that science are killed, just like bees, and if we are not dying, at least we have more silly children due to virtual air pollution ? None of them is true.
They have no evidence from their side, so they manufacture epidemiology. The type of things that allowed activists to claim with a serious face that the “endocrine disruptors” caused more deaths of COVID-19, while vegetarian diets prevented it.
Science and epidemiology are not the same. Epidemiology can link anything with anything, and if you are selected by hand to be in an International Agency for Research on the Cancer Working Group or in a panel of the Ramazzini Institute, it has already shown that it will do what is necessary To show that something is damaging us all. A new article in Nature Medicine Notes that can detect microplastics in our brains and are “correlated” with dementia. So dementia has risen, right? No. We certainly detect it before, thanks to doctors, just as we detect cancer and pregnancy before, but there are no more cases. (1) We know very little about dementia, such statements are close to FMRI images and surveys in scientific credibility. We know very little about a centiro, but because we can detect everything now, everything is linked to dementia.
Once upon a time, zero meant less than one million. Now we can detect pieces in quadrillones. That means that the tests are 1,000,000,000 times more sensitive than in the past. Billon one billion times more detection now than when ‘without detection’ occurred 60 years ago. We can literally detect anything in anything. For the context, I often compare that such cosmic detection correlates with the damage such as detecting the effect of the wings of a fly on the severity of the moon. Us can detect that. It is there. But someone literate believes that 10,000,000 flies are impacting the moon? One billion? They are not. So it goes with the microplastics trace. And ultraprocessed and damn foods detected ‘in urine.
If a journalist “suggests” that alcohol will kill you, that’s alarming. However, if the underlying correlation was made using 10,000 shots of Scottish force fed in the stomach of a mouse, are you so scared? No, you should not be, but it is common for epidemiologists to use studies that have five (!) Magnitude orders, 10,000 are the same as 1, for the dose and declare a chemical danger. It is the same if a claim was made “linked to” using a fantastic number of survey responses and finding “statistical significance” between some disease and “ultraprocess” food, whatever that means.
We are healthier, whether activists want to accept it or not, for the same reason that we are richer even though the socialists and communists insist that we are not; Science and technological progress. A world of solar panels and organic foods is a world where there is a giant abyss between the rich and the poor. (2) poor people have the modern world and are better for it.
We would be better with less murders, so it is understandable why the Democrats want to create more laws and even make the vice president of his political party; He is overwhelmingly democrats who murder people, there must be a liberal guilt for that. Obesity is simply solved by cultural maturity. Animals have a biological mandate to eat as much as they can because we don’t know when our next meal will be. There are only two generations since the progressives insisted that a population bomb would lead to mass starvation and governments would collapse due to food disturbances. (3) Over time, food will become reliable merchandise and less people are attracted.
Automobile accidents will really decrease once we implement enough autopilot cars to cross the threshold of the ‘immunity of the flock’ for that, but we hope that environmentalists require that they be perfect of good and block those that make fire prevention in California. 200,000 dead per year in preventable accidents, or $ 250 billion in damages because state law prevents cleaning dead trees or adding more water storage, it is a worthy sacrifice if they can continue to earn money with respect to science.
(1) Two generations ago, if a woman lost a period or even two, and nothing returned. Now we can detect pregnancy much faster, 10 days, instead of the two or three months that was once the norm. What was once a lost period can now be called a spontaneous abortion. An epidemiologist with an agenda could correlate that with organic foods or solar panels or anything else that is also more frequent now. If you believe that the correlation of spontaneous abortions with solar panels sounds ridiculous, you know why scientists laugh at the idea that the cursed can cause human cancer. It requires exactly the same lack of understanding about the real world.
(2) Old Wealth Gaps gave us Versailles and the Sistine Chapel and all those royal palaces in England, but they will never build them again, because Bill Gates and Elon Musk and Warren Buffet Combined could not pay it. The rules of the lower countries could then.
(3) A government almost left due to food: Sri Lanka, and that was because they believed that white people well fed in environmental groups who insisted on organic foods could sustain the world. A few months later, they changed their minds.
#Corporate #media #Young #people #dying #people #healthier