Evidence of molecular morphology and analysis

[A-F] Cymbidium × Shangrilaense S.Ke, Qhzhang and Srlan,
[G] C. tracyanum. [H] C. Gaoligonense

in Ke, Zhu, Zhao, Liu, Li, Huang, Zhang, Liu in LAN, 2022.


A new natural hybrid of Cymbidium (Orchidaceae), C. × ShangrilaenseFrom the province of Yunnan, China, it is illustrated and described. This entity can be a natural hybrid between C. tracyanum and DO. Gaoligonense. Morphologically, it differs from the first by epidermal stripes and the morphology of the column and the middle lips and the last one by its flower veins and the morphology of the lips. The molecular analysis based on the nuclear DNA (ITS) clearly indicated a natural hybrid ratio to the Cymbidium species group, while the plastidium DNA tree (Matk and RBCL) confirmed the natural hybrid as a sister a sister C. tracyanum, do. subgenre Cyperorchis.

Cymbidium, Cyperorchis, Cymbidium subgenre CyperorchisChinese orchids, natural hybrids, monocotal

Cymbidium × Shangrilaense S.Ke, QHzhang and Srlan. A. Flowering plant. B. Flor, front view. C. lip and column, side view. D. Inflorescence. E. Flower structure. F. Lip, upper view.
GRAM. C. tracyanum flower. H. C. Gaoligonense flower.

Cymbidium × Shangrilaense S.Ke, Qhzhang and Srlan, NAT hybrid. nov.


Shijie Ke, Meng-Jia Zhu, Xuewei Zhao, Ding-Kun Liu, Yuanyuan Li, Jie Huang, Qing-Hai Zhang, Zhong-Jian Liu and Siren Lan. 2022. Cymbidium ×Shangrilaense (Orchidaceae; epidendroid), a new natural hybrid of China: evidence of morphology and molecular analysis. Phytotaxa. 561 (2); 183-190. DOI: doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa. 561.2.6 [2022-09-08]

#Evidence #molecular #morphology #analysis

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