The Innovation Whisperer • Derek Cheshire

Innovation Whisperer, Innovation Whispering

Who or what is The innovation whisper And that is exactly Innovation whisper? In a nutshell, it is a more gentle but more effective way to make innovation work for your organization.

Then, the innovation whisper is me, Derek Cheshire and I offer a particular type of intervention that is less expensive, less brutal but more effective and faster than the programs and projects than some larger consulting companies will sell to you.

There are some previous publications that describe something I try to do, such as soup, play and chai, organic innovation, the best path to follow and soft infrastructure after coronavirus.

But what is the objective of all this, why not simply follow the instructions contained in the ‘Innovation a minute guide’ and all the other books that exist?

Let me return to the term horses. Here is a definition that I found through Google:

Noun. horsy whisper (plural horse whispers) a horse coach who adopts a comprehensive vision of the reasons, needs and desires of the horsebased on modern equine psychology.

Then, in a similar way, an innovation whisper will adopt a comprehensive vision of your organization and people within it. There will not be a brutal change program and people will want to participate. Its organization will become an organic form rather than mechanistic in the type of organization that is adequate for the future and capable of transforming without a great dependence on external (and faces) agencies.

Some will argue that they read is efficient, but Lean systems are not easily changing, or rather modifiers as an organic organization. The great disadvantage of a slender system is that it requires an external change agent to adapt to changing circumstances.

The use of change agents is possible, but it is slower and more expensive in the long term.

But why the need for speed? Recent events should serve to remind us why speed is essential, but for now, let’s use this example.

Imagine that he has taken a vacation in the Mediterranean and is currently swimming in the pleasant warm water with the sun on the top. Everything is idyllic, for now. Someone is standing on the edge of the water and in their hand, it has a 1 -liter seawater container that contains one billion genetically modified and quite strange bacteria.

These bacteria will not kill humans, but produce a waste product that is effectively a red dye. The volume of the body of water in which it is swimming is approximately 4,390,000,000,000 liters. If the man standing with the bacteria pours the content of his container in the water, how long would it be before you leave to avoid dye red? Assume that the bacteria doubles in number every minute.

So how much time then? In our incredibly simple example, the answer is less than 62 minutes (61 minutes and 56 seconds to be precise). Many people guess that they would be hours or days when asked. Our concept of time is often defective.

This is obviously an exponential phenomenon. This is also COVID-19 when the R number is greater than 1. Other exchange rates can be and have been exponential, such as advance technologies or, in some cases, social change.

This shows that the changes tend to occur rapidly in the current world climate and, often, we must avoid problems before knowing that it is there. This is exactly the reason we need a modifying organic organization that simply changes rapidly that simply cannot be carried out by current mechanistic interventions. Enter the innovation whisper.

The benefits of working in this way are many.

  • The change begins from the first day, it is not required to know its time ‘.
  • The relationship is close, without long rows of communication or remote project equipment
  • This is fast
  • Knowledge is transferred so you don’t have to pay it twice
  • You have a flexible organization
  • Intrinsic motivation is integrated (see neuroscience) so that it works hard but happy, curious and creative of the workforce
  • There is someone who are ‘lists’ (no ‘hands in’ or ‘hands off’) in case you need a little help
  • Any change is simply measured using a simple measurement tool
  • Interventions are carried out only where necessary

You may wonder how much this will cost me. Well, in the past surveys of R&D expenses, they have shown that many companies spend at least 1% of their turnover in this article. It is possible to spend more and also much less, even as little as 0.1%. Many try to solve them themselves, but they get stuck. Instead of obtaining a return on investment for innovation effort, you can simply end up investing money in a black hole. You should avoid these innovations, not points.

So, if you are caught with your innovation project or program or you have significant blocks for creativity (whether personal or organizational), then an innovation whisper can be exactly what you need.

Contact through my contact page or through the practical red button at the bottom of my rethinking the future page.

#Innovation #Whisperer #Derek #Cheshire

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