[Mollusca • 2025] Delctopecten Themus • Morphological, mythogenomic and phylogenetic analysis Integrative reveal new species of scallops that live in ventilation (Bivalvia: pectinidae: Camptonectinae)


Delctopecten It is a small genre of the pectinidae family (Bivalvia: pectinida) that remains poorly studied in terms of morphology and phylogeny. Here, we describe the first member of this genus of deep water hydrothermal ventilation ecosystems, Thermal D. sp. nov.Based on morphological research and molecular analysis of a specimen collected from the Higashi-Eensei ventilation field (962 m deep) in the Northern Okinawa channel. Morphologically, this new species resembles D. Vancouverensis and D. Gelatinosus In shell size, shape, atrium size and sculpture. However, Thermal D. sp. nov. It can be distinguished from its congenic species (including 9 existing species and 12 fossils) by its unequal atria (the previous one is larger than the posterior), anterior internal atrium appealed internally to the left valve and a large -by -bysal notch angle of ~ 90 °. The comparisons of genetic sequences of three fragments of mitochondrial genes and three nuclear supported the placement of the new species in the genus Delctopecten. Other phylogenetic analyzes using these gene markers support that Delctopecten It is monofiletic and positioned as an early divergent clade of the Pectinidae family. In addition, the mythogenoma of Thermal D. sp. nov. It was assembled and noted, the first for its gender, which reveals significant divergences in the order of genes compared to other pectinates. The amplicon analysis of 16S of the gill tissue indicated that this viever that lives in ventilation does not exhibit symbiosis with chemosynthetic bacteria. A key to all known species of Delctopecten It is provided to help the identification of species in this gender little studied.

Keywords: Bivalvia, deep sea, DelctopectenHeterotrophy, Higashi – Feeni, Hydrothermal ventilation, identification key, new species, Okinawa channel, pectinidae, systematic, taxonomy, trophic mode.

Deletepecten Thermus sp. nov.Holotype (NSMT-MO 79569).
(A, b) External and internal views of the left valve. The structure similar to ‘6’ on the outer surface is the calcareous tube of an anel worm.
(C, D) External and internal views of the right valve.

Order: Pectinida Gray, 1854

Family: Pectinidae Rafinesque, 1815

Subfamily: Camptonectinae Habe, 1977

Delctopecten Stewart, 1930

Type species: Deletepectn Vancouverensis Whiteaves, 1893

Deletepecten Thermus Lin, sp. nov.

Etymology: The epithet of the species’term‘ half ‘thermal‘In Latin, refer the ring to its hot ventilation habitat.

Yi-Tao Lin, Ying-Bei Peng, Chong Chen, Ting Xu and Jian-Wen Qiu. 2025. Morphological, mythogenomic and phylogenetic analysis reveal new species of scallops that live in ventilation. Systematic invertebrates. 39, IS24091. DOI: doi.org/10.1071/is24091

#Mollusca #Delctopecten #Themus #Morphological #mythogenomic #phylogenetic #analysis #Integrative #reveal #species #scallops #live #ventilation #Bivalvia #pectinidae #Camptonectinae

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