A new approach to AI and research

With the launch of Dimensions Research GPT and Dimensions Research GPT CompanyResearchers around the world now have access to a much more powerful solution than could have been believed only a few years ago. Simon Linacre Take a look at a new solution that combines the scientific evidence basis of dimensions with the preeminent generative AI of Chatgpt.

For many researchers, the exaggeration ongoing on recent developments with generative (GAI) has left them feeling, with so many new and unknown solutions to use them. Added to well -informed questions about hallucinations and the AI ​​developed in a responsible manner, the advantages that Gai could offer has been compensated by some of these concerns.

In response, Digital Science has developed its first personalized GPT solution, which combines powerful data from Dimensions with ChatgptThe advanced ai platform; introduction Dimensions Research GPT and Dimensions Research GPT Company.

Dimensions Research GPT responses to research consultations use data from tens of millions of open access publications, and access is free for anyone through OPENAI GPT Store; Dimensions Research GPT Company It provides results supported by all publications, grants, clinical trials and patents that are within the dimensions and is available for anyone with a subscription of dimensions of the entire organization that has an Enterprise Chatgpt account. Organizations interested in adapting GPT dimensions research Company To better meet specific cases of use, you also invite you to work with our team of experts to define and implement them.

These new innovative research solutions of Dimensions Allow Chatgpt users to discover more precise responses and generative summaries based on the GAI response in scientific data, data that come from millions of publications in dimensions, to the increasingly familiar chatgpt chatgpt interface.

These new solutions have been launched to allow researchers, in fact, anyone interested in scientific research, find reliable answers to their questions quickly and easily through a combination of infrastructure and chatgpt dimensions, capacities Specific research well considered. These new innovations accelerate the discovery of information and represent the first of many cases of use based on AI that come from digital science in 2024.

How do they work?

Dimensions Research GPT and Dimensions Research GPT Company They are based on dimensions, the largest collection in the world of related research data and provide responses to consultations entered by users in the OpenAI chatgpt interface. Users can request chatgpt with natural language questions and see answers generated by AI, with notifications every time any content is based on dimensions of dimensions as a result of their consultations on the Chatgpt platform, with references shown to the source. These have the shape of the clickable links, which lead users directly to the Dimensions platform, where you can see pages with more details about the records of origin to continue their discovery trip.

The key characteristics of the GPT Enterprise dimensions include: they include:

  • Responses to research consultations with publication data, clinical trials, patents and subsidy information
  • Configure in the client’s private environment and only available for customer’s end users
  • Notifications Each time generated The content is based on dimensions data, with references and dating details.
Dimensions Research GPT (public) screen capture
Sample image of a consultation that is executed in Dimensions Research GPT.

What are the benefits for researchers?

The main benefit for users is that they can find scientifically founded and inherently improved information on interest research issues with little time and effort due to the combination of the chatgpt interface and the specific capabilities of great prestige research. This will save researchers a significant time while providing peace of mind by providing easy access to origin materials. However, there are a number of additional key benefits for all users in this new innovation:

  • Dimensions ai Solutions makes ChatGPT investigation specific to the investigation, based on the responses in the facts and provides the user with references to the relevant documents
  • Ask millions of publications to provide specific and relevant information for consultation, reducing the risk of hallucination of the generative response of AI while providing an easy route to the validation of information.
  • It can help overcome the challenges of the large volume of available content, the tasks that require a lot of time required in research workflows and the need for reliable products.

What continues with AI and research?

The launch of Dimensions Research GPT and Dimensions Research GPT Enterprise represents the broader commitment of digital science with open science and the responsible development of AI tools.

These new products are only the latest developments of digital science companies that take advantage of the power of AI. In 2023, Dimensions launched a beta version of an AI assistant, while Readcube He also launched a beta version of his AI assistant last year. Digital Science ended 2023 completing its acquisition of the academic language service based on AI Written. And it is likely that 2024 see many more developments of AI, and some arrive very soon! Dimensions Research GPT and Dimensions Research GPT CompanyTogether with all the current and future developments of digital science with AI, they exemplify our commitment to responsible innovation and provide powerful research solutions to a hearing as large as possible. If chatgpt has not tried yet as part of its research activities, why not try it today?

Simon Linacre

About the author

Simon LinacreContent Manager, Brand & Press | Digital science

Simon has 20 years of experience in academic communications. He has given conferences and published on the issues of the Bibliometry, the ethics of the publication and the impact of the research, and has recently written a book on predatory publications. Simon is an ALPSP tutor and has also served as COPE trustee.

#approach #research

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