Business Growth Hacks – Naomi Simson

Choose growth content series with Airwallex

After having worked with many business owners for many years, I discovered that there is a key differentiator between achieving incremental versus exponential growth. True business growth requires a change of mentality and a simple question –

What are you doing today to create growth for your business?

I am pleased to announce my election growth association with Global Fintech Airwallex, to bring fresh and creative content to the business owners who seek to climb. As part of the election growth association, we will explore the key growth challenges faced by companies, which include ::

  • How to build an obsessed culture with the client
  • How to achieve cash flow confidence
  • How to develop your leadership team
  • How to grow and retain the best talent

Most business owners with whom I work always look for ways to acquire additional customers, while keeping those who have. In this series, I share my thoughts about the importance of client’s obsession, including how to stay focused and agile to meet the changing needs of customers while I maintain ‘profitable growth’.

That said, not all customers are the same. Business owners must learn to attack customers who can become defenders, as well as return customers who offer incredible value, creating profitable growth.

As we advance in the digital age and beyond, helping business owners to dominate a growth goal is now crucial to remain viable … It is easy for business owners to get lost in the routine of operations, the Logistics and an endless entry tray. This series will provide information and processable advice to ensure that your business remains focused on growth.

Airwallex was built to train companies of all sizes to operate anywhere, at any time. Today, Airwallex is the fastest growth unicorn in Australia that drives many other businesses such as the leaf society, the sleeping duck and the agile asset clothes.

To start our association, SmartCompany will organize a web seminar with myself, Julie Mathers, founder of Flora & Fauna (Electronic Commerce #1 of Australia in 2021) and Vijay Raghvani, Sales Chief In Airwallex.

This online event will take place in Thursday, July 29 at 12:30 – 1:30 PM AES.And I invite you to join us.

For more details about the ‘Choose growth ‘ Series please go to

Also published in Half.

#Business #Growth #Hacks #Naomi #Simson

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