The EPA returns’ Gold Bars to taxpayers – The Climate Realism Show #145 – What with that?

The Heartland Institute

The Heartland Institute

The good news for climatic realists and better governance in the Trump administration is accumulating so fast that it is difficult to keep the pace. As we covered in this program on December 6, a little journalism undercover by the Veritas project exposed a left -wing employee at the Environmental Protection Agency who admitted that he and others were trying to obtain billions of our tax money ” as quickly as possible. ” Before the Trump administration arrived in January and stopped it.

“It really seems that we are in the Titanic and we are throwing gold bars from the edge.”

Brent Efron, former “Special Advisor for Implementation” in the EPA. Well, the new EPA administrator, Lee Zeldin, announced this week that he has risen to his submersible and snatched the gold bars ($ 20 billion) from the hands of “NGO” without a left -handed -profit purposes and returned them to the Treasure. The endless flow of our tax money goes to groups of environmental extremists who advocate the interest of the United States seems to be coming to an end.

Anthony Watts, Sterling Burnett, Linnea Lueken and Jim Lakely, of the Heartland Institute, will also talk about how the Paris Climate Agreement seems to be separated, provides a “control of climate facts” of the media for January, verify the continuous failure of the evs . , Show how a climate protest of “dying coyote” is seen and sounds, and more.

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