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How a volcanic eruption turned a human brain into glass

“It is an extraordinary finding,” says Matteo Borrini, a forensic anthropologist at Liverpool John Moores University in the United Kingdom, who did not participate in the investigation. “He tells us how [brain] Preservation can work … extreme conditions can produce extreme results. ” Bright remains The Roman city of Herculano has been covered with ashes…

Evidence of molecular morphology and analysis

[A-F] Cymbidium × Shangrilaense S.Ke, Qhzhang and Srlan, [G] C. tracyanum. [H] C. Gaoligonense in Ke, Zhu, Zhao, Liu, Li, Huang, Zhang, Liu in LAN, 2022. Abstract A new natural hybrid of Cymbidium (Orchidaceae), C. × ShangrilaenseFrom the province of Yunnan, China, it is illustrated and described. This entity can be a natural hybrid between…

How to prepare your laptop for sale

If you are considering selling your laptop used, it is essential to ensure that you are in the best possible conditions for your next owner. This guide will take it step by step through cleaning, repair and preparation of your laptop and protect your personal data before making the sale. Steps to prepare your laptop…