Dome simplifies the protection of employee information for the DNTL bar

/ Dome simplifies the protection of employee information for the DNTL bar

The DNTL bar designed data protection in its record maintenance systems from the beginning: all our data protection policies and procedures meet or exceed the requirements of Hipa and GDPR. We made an additional effort because we wanted to comply with the privacy regulations that we would find as we expand, but mainly because our patients deserved to know that their personal medical information would remain private.

Case of use

There is a special challenge when a patient is an employee. We offer discounts from employees in products and services, and most of our staff take advantage of them. But that runs the risk of exposing their private medical records to anyone with access to practice management data. According to our data -based model, that is practically all in the company!

The usual way of addressing a problem like that is to filter: creating a second database with the protected information eliminated. But that eats cloud storage, costs money and adds another full -size database to synchronize, backup, protect and manage.

We take a different approach. With Dome, we create a safe environment: an employee board for patients that blocks access to critical processing data such as description, code, medications, etc. Only one person in Dome, a human resources manager, has the key. The information is protected and accessible if we need it.


Compliance with data protection is becoming more complex as jurisdictions adopt new regulations and modify the old ones. Domo gives us flexibility to meet and protect the data of our patients without cumbersome and expensive IT solutions. Employees feel more comfortable using our services and trust that they respect the privacy of the personal information of their patients.

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