When did the earth formed?

The earth began to form around 4.6 billion years back! It is believed that a distant star exploded in space, which caused large amounts of interstellar dust on itself. Our sun formed first and then the rest of the planets.

The earth formed from the rock and dust that binds. The heat of the nucleus caused tectonic plates move and collide with each other, causing volcanoes and earthquakes.

It is believed that the first oceans formed around 4.3 billion years.

Sun, Luna and Earth image

When was the first life formed on earth?

It is believed that bacteria emerged about 3.5 billion years ago.

The first humans did not appear until about 2 million years ago, although they were quite different from modern humans.

Get more information about Earth and our Solar System

This Smithsonian article is a brilliant overview of the History of life on earth.

Make a Layers of the Earth Showing the internal nucleus, the external nucleus, the mantle and the cortex.

Earth's Mass Model - Space Science for Children

Read about him Big Bang theory and find out How the Universe is expanding!

More science questions

Last update on May 2, 2023 by Emma Vanstone

#earth #formed

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