Easy Easter Stem projects to see with children

If you are looking for easy creative ideas to keep children busy during Easter, it is in the right place. These Easter Stem projects are simple, use equipment that probably already has and, most importantly, they are very fun!

Easter egg chain reaction

We spend hours setting different Egg chain reactions last year. These are great, since you can use whatever you have in the house. Align books like dominated, roll balls in cars, cars on a ramp or even rolled eggs. You can do it as simple or complex as you want.

One year we made a huge outdoor chain reaction that involved shooting a giant ball for a slide.

Easter egg chain reactions

Egg conveyor belt

Build a egg conveyor tape. I used cardboard eggs, but you could try to make it strong enough to transport mini eggs!

The conveyor belt is alone with wrapped paper around a spike. The paper is attached at each end with tape and wound around one end.

conveyor belt made of a shoe box for a Easter Stem challenge

Egg Tyroles

This is one of my most popular Easter Stem Challenges! Build a Outdoor Tyrole Mini For a small chocolate egg. You can also build this on a larger scale and use a large egg.

Instructions for a reference of the Hugo line
Egg pulling instructions

Parachute for an egg

Build a parachute for an egg Using paper, fabric or even an old plastic bag. If you do not want to build a parachute, try to wrap the egg in different materials to protect it from a fall.

Instructions for an egg parachute experiment
Egg parachute instructions

Another idea is to find a large tube and drop eggs wrapped in different materials to see if they break!

Opening the girl’s egg

Use a Pneumatic system To make a cardboard egg open to reveal a girl!

Chick Egg Opening - Pneumatic Project

This principle would work for many different issues. Dinosaurs are the following on our list!

Shock test eggs

Build a vehicle to protect an egg in a collision! This could be made of K’nex, Lego or even recycled materials.

A simple turn in this idea is to wrap an egg in protective materials such as paper or bubble wrap and drop it through a cardboard tube.

Shock test eggs

More Easter Stem projects

Did you know what you can grow carrots from carrots?

These PopPers Pom Pom Pom Pom Pom From teaching by my side, it looks great!

The Stem laboratory has some Fantastic plastic egg chicken rockets!

Create a robbery hand To collect the Easter eggs!

Make a boat for pour like School of a monkey!

Easy Easter Stem project collection to see with children. A car to protect an egg in a collision, an egg that opens to reveal a chick, a parachute for an egg and a mini homemade belt

Last update on March 31, 2023 by Emma Vanstone

#Easy #Easter #Stem #projects #children

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