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Homatula Gelao Xiao,
in G.-B. Xiao, Guo, Cao, Lin, Wexi Deng, Q.-Q. Xiao, Zhou, Zhang in Fang, 2025. |
Homatula GelaoA new speciesIt is described here from the Wu-Jiang of the Yangtze river basin in the province of Guizhou, southwest of China. This new species belongs to the elongated body group of Homatula Defined by having a complete lateral line, scales scalesly hidden in the skin in the preceding body and a thin body with a uniform depth. It is, together with H. VariegataIt is distinguished from all other species of this group by having a widely rounded flow fin and a small number of scales very scattered on the body of the prediction. Both differ in the coloration of the body, the pattern scratched in the predored body and the length of the flow rate. The validity of the new species is corroborated by a different divergence of genetic distance with closely related congenic species and its monophilia recovered in a phylogenetic analysis based on the ADNMT ICI gene. Is separated from others Homatula species for a minimum of 8.2% distance of 2 kimura parameters in the COI gene.
Keywords: Homatula GelaoNew species, morphological comparison, taxonomy, Yangtze river basin
Homatula Gelao Xiao, sp. nov.
Diagnosis: A member of the elongated body group of Homatula Defined by having a thin body with a uniform depth (9.2% –14.4% of SL), a complete lateral line and a barely climbing or non -scaled predation body. H. Gelao resembles H. Variegata in the presence of a caudal fin and scales of a widely rounded flow (in front of truncar or obliquely truncated) both of all other species of this group (H. Berezowskii, H. Guanheensis, H. Laxiclathra, H. Longidorsalis, H. Oxygnathra, and H. Tigris). Differs from H. Variegata By possessing a body coloration of 17-18 brown vertical bars more narrow than intermediate intermediates, particularly on the flank of the flow peduncle (versus wavy vertical bars and slightly wider wider or equal to intermediate spaces); A thick black brown strip that extends along the dorsal midline from behind the head to the dorsal origin of the fin; and symmetric black vertical bars on the sides of the body (vs. clear brown spots on the back and irregular marks on the sides of the body); and a longer distance (versus the same) from the origin of the anal fin to the origin of the pelvic fin that the distance from the origin of the anal fin to the base of the flow fin.
Etymology: The specific epithet bears the name Gelao (In Chinese spelling) nationality. The type specimens of the new species were collected from the Huaixi-He in the Autonomous County of Daozhen Gelao, province of Northern Guizhou. The common Chinese name for H. Gelao It is suggested as “仡佬荷马条鳅”.
#Nemacheilidae #Yangtze #Superior #River #Basin #province #Guizhou #southwest #China