Meeting and Guide: Four steps for leading leaders

How to direct leaders

I have been working with the Airwallex team to bring community resources, businesses and businessmen to help growth. When there is much to do, often what makes the difference is not what you do, but why you do it. For years, business educators have talked about working in ‘their business instead of’ in business. But that is easier to say it.

As part of this wonderful content series called ‘Choose Growth’, I wanted to break down the steps of ‘How’ do it. In real practical terms.

In this most recent publication about the Four steps for leading leaders. (that is, we want all members of our team to be self -transport) I cover the following points.

Step 1: Identify as leader

Often, we enter to be a people leader, not only in business but within the family or community, and there is a difference between leadership and management. In this section I help you solve where you are in the spectrum (and you can be and, often, you must both).

Step 2: Know your strengths and weaknesses

It is very important to develop self -awareness, easier to say than do it, but I wanted to give some tools to help here. Also to know the unique contribution of you and your team. Everyone needs to play with their strengths and must recognize that they cannot do everything. One of the difficult things to let go is developing responsibility structures around a way that helps him learn from those results.

Step 3: Meeting: Why

I ask you to challenge yourself here and give yourself permission to dream. Often, if we don’t know how to do something, we limit our vision to what we can see before us. Once you have developed your future state, it is so important to communicate that effectively and succinctly for those around you.

Step 4: Guide: The one who and how

Establishing the strategy is not difficult or as complex as people often think. So, in this section, I give you the six essential elements for a good strategy document. And you are not writing war and peace here. The shorter, the better in many ways. Remember that it is about gathering people around them to ‘create’ in their ‘why’.

This is not a time to be a “reluctant” leader. We need people in all our businesses to step forward and be really clear about vision and values.

His number one work as a leader is not to do the job, but to establish a strategy. And you do this simply with three words

Vision and alignment values.

Watch the video here too.

Also published in Half.

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