Instant: a walk in the capital of our nation

I do a job adjacent to the government, so on Friday afternoon I went out the main door to get out of my feelings and decided to turn right.

As I approached the US Capitol building Width garbage sidewalks.

While walking through one of those sidewalks, another woman, also alone, on the other side, began tendency towards me in a way that people do when they are not going to follow social conventions about strangers. It seemed cold and tired. I lowered my head and ignored studies. “Are you pro-life?” She called. When I passed: “Oh, don’t you like women to have control over their own bodies? What a pathetic! ”

Ah, correct. It was that January day, every year, when a group of people show up to be crazy for Roe v. Wade. They won, but I suppose they are still appearing. And I suppose Lady is still appearing to shout them about it.

I like to have control over my own body, while it lasts, and I walked that body towards the sunset and then returned home.

Photo: Helen Fields, obviously

#Instant #walk #capital #nation

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