The figure of Robotics Startups based in Silicon Valley is in conversations to raise a massive round of $ 1.5 billion with an assessment of $ 39.5 billion, Bloomberg reports.
That is a whopping 15 times higher than the subsequent valuation of $ 2.6 billion of the figure for its B series of $ 675 million last year. The current round of the figure is expected to be directed by Align Ventures and Parkway Venture Capital, Bloomberg reported.
The figure builds humanoid robots for commercial and residential purposes. Humanoid robots are fashionable thanks to the AI: Apptronik boom, based in Austin, has just collected $ 350 million, while Meta also seeks to enter robotics.
Figure has already sold Some BMW robots. Its founder Brett Adcock Posted last month That figure has signed in a second commercial client (without a name) and sees the potential to send 100,000 humanoid robots.
The figure declined to comment.
#Figure #conversations #raise #1.5B #times #assessment